Tank Container Forum have raised logistics issues
The International Tank Container Forum has been held within the Khimia 2020 exhibition. Tank Container World, the Forum’s organiser, jointly with the Khimia organisers decided to amplify industry community’s attention to the problems of logistics, and for the first time held the Forum within the leading industry exhibition.
The tank container market is one of the few markets in Russia that shows positive growth dynamics, but at the same time, there are still many problems and barriers that prevent from entering the global transportation market.
The main tank container operators of Russia and Europe, service companies, equipment suppliers, leasing companies and others gathered at the Forum site. Among the participants there were such well-known companies as: SpecTransGarant, Infotech Baltika M, KhimInvest Trans, EuroChem Group, HOYER, Den Hartogh, Bertschi, CIMC, Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat, Servicing of Tank Containers, Tank Container Service, Module, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and others.
The Forum allowed to bring together operators, cargo owners, regulators and business analysts in one place to discuss joint work and develop effective business strategies.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO